Kanye West’s ‘Monster’ Video Gets Banned From MTV


The video leaked back on the net in December, and never made it to TV stations. It appears as if Change.org is putting forward their best efforts to ensure nobody ever sees it on television. Check out an excerpt below, or click here for the full article. RR with the heads up.

“The mainstreaming of videos like this increases desensitized and callous attitudes toward violence against women,” said Reist, one of the campaign originators. “Young people are seeing images and absorbing harmful messages which glamorise misogyny and brutalise women. Women are reduced to sex-doll like playthings. So great is the level of desensitization that the barbaric treatment of women and girls is seen as normal and to be expected. We decided to run this campaign because we wanted to challenge the status quo.”

UPDATE: MTV says video was never banned. Official statement below:

“MTV has not banned Kaye West’s ‘Monster’ video. We have been in constant communication with the label regarding this matter. However, we are still awaiting the edits we requested in order for the video to be suitable for broadcast.”


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