Radio has come a long way in the past few years, the main development being ability for users to stream their favorite stations over the internet.
But if we combine traditional radio streaming and use of data on our phones, the result can be extraordinary. This is what NextRadio app promises to be. If you haven’t heard about this service yet, you should get tuned now.
NextRadio is a free smartphone app that connects you with local FM radio directly on your mobile device. But it utilizes your phone’s built in FM receiver hardware and combines it with internet, making it a creative and more interactive experience since it gives you instant access to album artwork, song details, station logos and program details. The combination leads to up to 3x better battery life and 10x less data usage. It has also other features like instant social media sharing & purchasing of music (imagine a new Drake song premiering on a station and a button on your screen linking you straight to the iTunes store to buy it) , contacting your favorite stations, real time visuals of on air content, browsing by genre, access to schedules and much more.
It was first launched by Emmis Communications only for audio systems in automobiles but is now available or select Sprint, Boost Mobile and Virgin smartphones. A full list of supported devices is available here.
You can follow @NextRadioApp for upcoming contests, giveaways, exclusive artist interviews and more.