21 Savage Arrested By Immigration & Customs Enforecement Over Claims He Is British


21 Savage was arrested earlier today by ICE, the Immigration & Customs Enforcement, over claims that he is actually Brtish. ICE spokesman Brian Cox told the Atlanta Journal Constitution that 21 is an “unlawfully present United Kingdom national” who came to the USA on a visa in July 2005 and has stayed since despite it expiring in 2006.

Cox said that 21 has been placed in “removal proceedings before the federal immigration courts”. This is obviously a scary situation that in its worst case scenario, could lead to 21 being deported.

Savage’s attorney told TMZ: “We are working diligently to get Mr. Abraham-Joseph out of detention while we work with authorities to clear up any misunderstanding. Mr. Abraham-Joseph is a role model to the young people in the country — especially in Atlanta, Georgia and is actively working in the community leading programs to help underprivileged youths in financial literacy.”

Stay tuned for updates.

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