Nicki Minaj Speaks On ‘Your Love’ From The Sets Of The Video


Nicki speaks to MTV about her single ‘Your Love’ which is the No.1 Rap song in the country at the moment, from the sets of the video. She speaks on the success of the single and again stresses that it wasn’t supposed to be out as a single but they released it after watching the response to the illegal leak.

“I was not planning on putting the song out at all,” she told MTV News over the weekend on the “Your Love” video set. “But then I heard it one day, somebody told me it was online. And I was like, ‘No way, no way in the world that song is out.’ I went and listened to it and was really upset. It wasn’t mixed, it wasn’t finished, it wasn’t anything — I wasn’t gonna use it at all. But then radio started playing it.”

I hope the video is soft, just like the song.

Previous: Nicki Minaj’s ‘Your Love’ Was Recorded 2 Years Ago

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