Larry King Interviews 50 Cent; Names Top 5 MCs & Favorite Songs (Full)


50 cent larry king

50 Cent recently sat down with Larry King for an in-depth interview. In these clips from the show, he speaks on his Vitamin Water deal and how much he made from it, losing his mother at a young age, not having an interest to meet his biological father and finally takes some questions from fans.

UPDATE: The full interview is here. 50 talks about all his business ventures, secrets of success, the hold up on his next album Street King Immortal, Formula 50 book, selling headphones on QVC and much more.

In a bonus clip, he names his top 5 MCs and some of his favorite songs which include Jay-Z’ ‘New York’ (Empire State Of Mind?) and “Lil Wayne’s record with Drake” which we guess is ‘Love Me’. Surprise.

Full interview

Top 5 MCs and favorite songs

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