Kendrick Lamar Freestyles For Bullett Magazine


We haven’t heard much from Kendrick Lamar recently aside from the nonstop guest verses. The ‘good kid’ was recently featured in Bullett Media’s magazine for which he blessed them with a short freestyle, which you can check out above, as well as an interview and photoshoot. You can read an excerpt from the interview and check out some flicks from the shoot after the jump.

I salute people like Jay-Z, how many tours has he been on? How many verses has he put down? How many interviews? How many radio shows? People forget that. They can’t fathom how a dude from the Marcy Projects is sitting next to Barack Obama, so they make up all types of crazy shit and forget the facts: this nigga dedicated every single day of his life to this, and what he has wasn’t just given to him. It’s no mistake he’s at where he’s at.



Hit up Bullet Media for the full feature.

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