Watch Mary J. Blige Full Interview with Hillary Clinton on Apple Music


Social Media went into a tizzy earlier this week when Apple Music released a preview of Mary J. Blige’s interview with Hillary Clinton for her new show The 411. In the clip, the legendary artist sings Bruce Springsteen’s ‘American Skin (41 Shots)’ to the Democratic nominee for President and the whole setting just turned into a funny sight for Twitter. MJB later explained it to Associated Press:

“I wanted to incorporate the song in the show because the lyrics resonated with me so deeply and so heavily because of all the shootings and police brutality and I never got a chance to say anything. I’m a singer first …so that’s the only way I can express myself and …the only way I can get that reaction from (Hillary) is to sing it. I didn’t warm up … I just sang …It was organic and that’s how it went. And hopefully, I believe she felt it, I think she did.”

Today, Apple Music has released the full 30 minute interview, the first for MJB’s new show The 411 on the streaming service. Watch it below.

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