Jeremih’s Family Issues Update on His Health: COVID-19 has “viciously attacked his body”


Music fans all over the world have been very concerned ever since the news about Jeremih’s health surfaced online.

Some of his friends from the industry including 50 Cent and Hitmaka had revealed earlier this week that the singer was on ventilator as a result of a severe case of COVID-19. Now his family has issued a statement about his condition for the first time

“His family would like to remind the world that COVID-19 is real and not to be taken lightly,” they said in a statement to CNN. “Also, It’s important for people infected to quarantine and let their families and friends know ASAP. There’s no shame in contracting COVID-19, and people that have it need to be responsible and considerate of others.”

The family confirmed that he was on ventilator and that it “is rare for a young man his age without underlying conditions.” Jeremih’s family said further that the virus has “viciously attacked his body” and added that they are “very grateful for everyone who is praying, and we ask for continued prayers.”

“The family believes daily prayers to God. A great team of doctors and nurses is helping him pull through,” they said. “He’s not out of the woods yet, but progress is being made. The family and friends are praying that he starts breathing on his own soon, and makes a full recovery.”

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