Lupe Fiasco’s ‘Enemy Of The State’ Mixtape Inspired By MTV’s ‘Hottest MCs’ List


Lupe says he came out with this mixtape being inspired by the snub on MTV’s Hottest MCs list.

“That’s y’all,” Lupe said about the muse for his tape. “Y’all sit at that table, and y’all forget who I am. It’s like, ‘That’s cool. I been through this before.’ “

He made Enemy of the State in just 48 hours. “It was super easy. I did it in two days,” he detailed. “Lasers was almost all done. I said, ‘Let me go out here.’ ‘Cause I knew none of that was on Lasers. Just the super ‘I’m the best MC’ — lyrical — there’s wasn’t really room for that on this album. I was like, ‘Let me give my fans that. Let me let them know that I’m still capable of that. Let me show MTV I’m hot too.’ Kept it short. I felt, if you’re nice, you don’t need an hour. You don’t need one hour and 35 minutes. You don’t need 100 freestyles every week. You need a nice demonstration of what you’re capable of doing very effectively, and you step back. Leave you wanting more. Sometimes the best part of the movie is the trailer.”

Oh Lupe, you care so much about MTV’s opinion?

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