Ciara x MAXIM Photo Spread


God. Damn. More when you proceed below.

So what does a guy have to do to win you over?
I mean, like every girl out there, we want a guy who’s comfortable in his own skin, who lets us grow, and who challenges us. But when it comes to superficial stuff, I mean who doesn’t like a good, hard body? You don’t have to be all crazy, just in shape. And have a neck, please!

You were just in the studio finishing up your album. Give us a glimpse of that awesome life.
It’s the coolest, can’t lie. I go to the studio at, like, noon, and there’s a lot of dancing and, of course, singing. There’s a cook who whips up food, and we sit around and joke and record until the wee hours. Then we head home, get up, and do it again. I feel blessed I get to do this for a living.

Full interview here

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