Lupe Fiasco Vs. MTV


A couple of hours ago, MTV posted an article ‘Dear Lupe Fiasco: 10 Tips To Make Lasers Successful‘ on their RapFix blog section. As the title suggests, Chris Yuscagave from MTV lists down 10 things that Lupe needs to do better in order to get the buzz back and make his 3rd studio album Lasers a success. Below is a teaser of what they are saying and after the jump is Lupe‘s reaction to the article. Clearly, Wasalu is not very pleased.

5. Repair your image on the rap blogs

We’re not sure if you know this or not, but most of the rap blogs seem to hate you. You don’t seem to care, which is cool, but in today’s hip-hop culture, you need the blogs to love you (or, at the very least, to blog about you!) in order to be successful. That’s just the way it is. If you can’t stand a particular blogger, you don’t have to cater to him or her. But find a couple you do like and serve them up some fresh material. (P.S. If you want RapFix to do it, just say the word!)

6. Embrace your leaked records

No rapper wants their new songs leaked onto the Internet. It’d be crazy to try and convince you or any other rapper to be happy about it. But if it happens, it happens. Rather than throwing dirt on your own songs or chastising the world when a record leaks, accept it and move on. That’s what we call free publicity, sir.

See Original Article