Drake Covers W Magazine


Drake has landed another cover, this time for the art magazine W.

Along with a brief interview where he talks about his liking for art, meaning of “signing up for greatness”, love for life in Toronto and more, Drizzy is also captured by 5 different artists for different perspectives which includes KAWS and Mark Flood.

When you wrote, “I signed up for greatness,” what exactly did you mean?

Realizing that I had a larger purpose was one of the most comforting, peaceful feelings. With music, especially, I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m a vessel to deliver emotion to people. I want to provide the background music to your life as you live it. I’m there for you in heartbreak and tragedy and joy. The thought of being remembered is what keeps me going. What I was trying to say is, the negatives don’t matter—it’s history that counts. At 19, I was just really, really excited to be in the room. Everything was romantic then. Now, nearly a decade later, it’s a bit different. I have to speak against negativity and conflict. There’s so much bullshit that you’re forced to address, but it’s okay. I’m afraid I sound boosie.

Read the full interview here.

Jim Joe


Henry Taylor

Jim Joe

Mark Flood

Katherine Bernhardt

Mark Flood

Katherine Bernhardt

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