New Music: Sylvan LaCue – ‘Studio City’ (Feat. Mélat)


sylvan lacue studio city

Sylvan LaCue released ‘The Watcher 3‘ just under 2 weeks ago and he’s already back today with some new music. ‘Studio City’ features Mélat who you’ll already know if you checked out Searching Sylvan or even our Saturday Spotlight series. This one’s perfect for the night time drives.

Says Sylvan:

I wrote this record at one of the lowest times of my travels this year. This song reflects the perils of the lifestyle I was leading. A lot of ignored phone calls, drunken nights, & delusional moments in the backseat of Uber drivers I was lost in somewhat of a fantasy world, & I wanted to vividly detail the emotions I felt.

Hear it below.

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