Stream Trey Songz’ New Album ‘Tremaine’


Trey Songz has been one of the most consistent R&B artists in the last decade or so. When he announced his seventh studio album Tremaine last month, fans didn’t really know what to expect from the new era.

Trigga surprised most of us when he revealed that he has no guest features on the album as that’s something which is rare with mainstream R&B albums today. Over the past few weeks, the singer has released several songs with raunchy music videos from the album with no real focus on any particular “single”. He’s also running this “reality TV” like series spoof on his website as a marketing strategy.

Fans can now stream the full album via Apple Music or Spotify, although it’s restricted to international markets like Australia and New Zealand for now. It will be available globally at midnight.

Track List:

1. The Prelude
2. Come Over
3. Number 1 Fan
4. Nobody Else But You
5. Playboy
6. The Sheets… Still
7. Song Goes Off
8. She Lovin It
9. Animal
10. IXI
11. Priceless
12. What Are We Here For
13. Crazy Little Games
14. Picture Perfect
15. Break From Love

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