New Music: Machine Gun Kelly – ‘At My Best’ (Feat. Hailee Steinfeld)


Machine Gun Kelly may hardly be a part of the typical “rap” conversation among millennials but many also do not understand his fan base. His latest single ‘Bad Things‘ featuring ex Fifth Harmony member Camila Cabello ended up being a Billboard smash, peaking at #4 on the Hot 100 charts.

As he prepares to release his new studio album, the Bad Boy signed rapper is back today with a follow up single ‘At My Best’, this time collaborating with actress and singer Hailee Steinfeld. Once again, MGK goes for a eclectic sound with high-pitched vocals and plenty of guitar riffs. Hailee’s voice seems to be the right fit for the song as well.

Time will only tell if ‘At My Best’ is able to repeat the success of ‘Bad Things’ but we won’t be surprised if it blows up on Pop radio. Stream it below.

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