Jay Electronica Surprises KTT & YouTube Fans By Answering ‘Act II’ & More Questions


Jay Electronica loves to act mysterious and he pulled another one of his tricks last night by jumping in a thread on the popular KanyeToThe forum. The thread exploded once the fans came to know about his presence there. He started answering fan questions, including ones about his long delayed album Act II:Patents of Nobility, his favorite verse of his own, thoughts on Kanye West’s Yeezus, favorite Outkast album (Aquemini) and more.

That wasn’t it. He also popped up in the comments section of his YouTube channel and reassured fans that his highly awaited LP will definitely release this year. Here are some of the highlights:

On his favorite verse:

better in tune. is my favourite verse to date. That and the one i spit on Mac Miller’s album. But that one is for selfish reasons.

On Yeezus:

i loved it, but the media crucified him and slandered him because of the content and his outspokenness on many things. Then the sheeple started saying it was wack like a mantra after a few so-called tastemakers said it. the end.

On working with Kanye:

indeed. we spent about a week together in london before he moved to paris during the WTT days, but id like to get back in w him for a few more go’s. I love Kanye.

If the track list that surfaced 2 years ago was still accurate:

slightly different but only by a few centimetres and a few new records.

On album delay:

its been me. life etc. Jay and the Label never press me about it or hinder me. Full support and love. Ive just been away on my own accord. again, we are in THE TURN.

Assuring fans that Act II will release this year and the delay was because “real life was calling him away”, the Roc Nation rapper commented the following on his YouTube:

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