While still in the UK, Drake sat down with Guardian for an interesting interview. He talks about the hate he receives for his music, growing up in Toronto and much more. But the most attention grabbing part is where he confirms the rumors of walking out of a Vibe interview for their February 2012 issue. The cover eventually went to Nicki Minaj and Vibe contributor Lola Ogunnaike ended up revealing this after the event:
“He was slated to appear on the cover of VIBE magazine to accompany this story [The Dark Side of Aubrey Graham]. But he fouled that up when he arrived more than eight hours late to the shoot and refused to wear any of the wardrobe provided for him.”
Here is Drake speaking on the issue for the first time and his take on intoxication.
On walking out of Vibe Interview:
“I didn’t like the way I was treated,” he says. “They ran this story about how I’m the most bitter guy, and my life is in turmoil. And I’m, like, a very happy 25-year-old kid living an amazing life. They tried to put a damper on my character, I guess because I didn’t play according to their rules.”
On drinks, drugs and weed:
“Have I sipped codeine before?” he asks for me. “Yeah, of course. Have I smoked weed? Yes. Do I drink wine? Yes. But do I do it excessively? No. I’m not a reckless guy. I do it all within moderation. I’m not into drugs.” He realises what he has just said, and bursts out laughing, as do his crew. “I mean any outside the ones I just mentioned.
Nah, that’s not me. I care too much about what I have. I’m not going to throw it away for that.”
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