Champs Sports has launched their latest installment of the The Moment series with episode six, which stars Philadelphia 76ers star Joel Embiid and Toronto artist Tory Lanez. The series “provides a platform for professional athletes and musicians to share inspirational stories rooted in their personal journeys to success through musical collaborations.”
The latest clip follows the story of Joel Embiid from his hometown of Yaoundé, Cameroon to Philadelphia to highlight his rise in the NBA. In the two and a half minute video, the Baller gives insight into his rise to stardom, surviving injury and rehab, the unfortunate loss of his younger brother, and being an inspiration for his new town.
To give the series a further boost, Champs has also enlisted Tory Lanez in the campaign who performs an exclusive new song titled ‘The Process’. This episode features the following collections: adidas originals NMD, adidas originals EQT, adidas originals Trefoil Hoody, and the adidas originals Tubular Hoody and Pant, which are available for purchase at Champs Sports locations nationwide and starting November 22, 2017.
:30 “The Moment” Campaign Video:
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