Of course, J. Cole's random Might Delete Later accounts on social media ended up culminating with the Might Delete Later...
YG has revealed that this summer will see the release of his new album Just Re'd Up 3. The first...
Chance The Rapper's The Big Day was slated upon release and made him a joke in Hip-Hop for a long...
Gunna is on top of the world right now, looking at a top ten debut for his new album One...
Chance The Rapper has been prepping the release of his new project Starline Gallery which fans thought was going to...
Gucci Mane is back with a new song called 'TakeDat' that might as well be called 'No Diddy' because that's...
The Drake vs. Everybody beef has pretty much been dominating Pop culture conversations for a long while now. Rick Ross...
Chicago OG Chief Keef and Mike WiLL Made-It put out their Dirty Nachos album a month ago and it seems...
Meek Mill put out his HEATHENISM EP independently in February. The first song on there was 'Came From The Bottom'...