Here is a transcript of Lupe’s speech in New York City at The Beach at Governors Island where he performed. Spotted at The Authority on Lupe via. The LupeEND blog.
Album #3: L.A.S.E.R.S. stands for Love Always Shines Every-time Remember 2 Smile.
I picked Lasers because Lasers are life, Lasers shine, Lasers are the future, Lasers are progression, Lasers are revolutionary, Lasers are NOT Losers!
Lasers are different, Lasers are weird, Lasers are eclectic, but Lasers are NOT Losers! We’re winners that’s what we are, we’re winners! All the freaks, all the ones that don’t know what they are, all the indecisive ones, We’re Not Losers, We Are Lasers!
This next record (Shining Down) is the first record off the new album and it’s a testament, it’s a testament to what you can do when people are holding you back.
My record company did not push this record at all, yet in its first week, we sold like 30.000 copies…don’t be scared to put records like this on the radio, this is what we need! It’s not what they want, it’s what they need!
They need to know that it’s people on top that recognize what they do, that feel what they do, that are where they’re from, who don’t really care about money and none like that, who don’t care about fame, who don’t care about being on the internet in front of some stupid-ass camera talking about what they wore this morning and what they had for breakfast yesterday. Fuck all that!
We Are Lasers and we shine goddammit, we shine and we gonna shine either with your support or without your support, we gonna shine muthafuckas and we gonna shine down on you!
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