Fans waiting for the wireless headphones from 50 Cent were disappointed to hear reports couple of days back suggesting that the pair have been cancelled or at the least, put on hold. Now 50 Cent has issued a statement clarifying the exact situation. He has terminated the deal between Sleek’s parent company TV Goods Inc. and G-Unit. However, his new company, SMS Audio LLC has signed a fresh deal with TV Goods to bring a new line of wireless headphones and a full-range of audio accessories to the market.
“As reported, the license arrangement between my company, G-Unit, and Sleek Audio to produce headphones branded as ‘Sleek by 50’ has been cancelled. Instead, I have established a new company that is developing a complete line of audio accessories, including wireless headphones, offering superior sound quality along with cutting edge technology for all music lovers to enjoy. As an artist, I am committed to bringing top-of-the-line audio products to my fans, and I am excited that I have the resources to achieve just that with this new venture.”
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